Laughing My Baggage Off

Have you ever known anyone who…

Faith Poe, Author & Calamity Survivor
- Lost everything in a hurricane?
- Survived an epic crash in a hot-air balloon?
- Walked away from a ten-car pile-up?
- Or a shipwreck?
- How about living through a major earthquake, tornado or riot, oh my?
- Do you know someone who’s been robbed at gunpoint?
- Hospitalized more than 20 times — for different ailments?
- Let’s add an international terrorist plot to the mix.
What are the odds that all of this
happened to one person?
Hi, I’m author Faith Poe, and believe it or not, I survived and thrived through ALL of this. And more…

Teller of Tales
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a cocktail is a mixture of different things, often unexpected, dangerous, or exciting. That pretty much sums up my life: a cocktail of calamities.

In my upcoming book, Laughing My Baggage Off, I entertain you with stories about being rattled and blended by strange twists of fate. We all experience adversity — and the global pandemic became a shared meltdown. Having tackled over 50 of them, it’s my mission to ignite laughter because that’s what buoyed me through it all.

Following each calamity, we get caught in a tumultuous wave of emotions: denial, anger, bargaining, melancholy, and isolation, adding to our baggage before finally accepting the new reality. Only to wind up anchored in a sea of stagnation. But it’s time to unpack, unmoor and cast off on a new adventure.
So, join me on the Calamity Express for a sneak peek at my too many madcap misadventures and how I find humor in each adversity. If I can do it, you can too!!!
How do I remain resilient? I mix triple shots of gratitude and a chaser of laughter to help Leap Outta Loss, bounce back into life, and celebrate with a toast to the end of every disaster.
Following each calamity, we get caught in a tumultuous wave of emotions: denial, anger, bargaining, melancholy, and isolation, adding to our baggage before finally accepting the new reality. Only to wind up anchored in a sea of stagnation. But it’s time to unpack, unmoor and cast off on a new adventure.
So, join me on the Calamity Express for a sneak peek at my too many madcap misadventures and how I find humor in each adversity. If I can do it, you can too!!!
How do I remain resilient? I mix triple shots of gratitude and a chaser of laughter to help Leap Outta Loss, bounce back into life, and celebrate with a toast to the end of every disaster.

On my 100th different cruise ship, appropriately called Resilient Lady, with Sir Richard Branson.

Above: On my 100th different cruise ship, appropriately named Resilient Lady, with
Sir Richard Branson.