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Rum Therapy


  • 1 shot Bounty lime

  • 1 shot Bounty white

  • 1 shot Denros 

  • 1 shot Triple sec orange bliss

  • Lime juice

  • Simple syrup

  • Splash of Coke



Add a shot of each ingredient except lime juice


Then add lime juice


Top with a splash of Coke

Rum Therapy

St. Lucia
Bartender: Steffi

​Discovering a bar in St. Lucia called Rum Therapy: Bar and Treatment Center was a joyous revelation.

I laughed at how often I had gone through therapy but not in such a colorful oasis where I could kick back and enjoy local cocktails. The name itself, Rum Therapy, seemed to promise a cure for what ailed me. It was a reminder that life is full of new adventures and that we should always be ready to embrace them. After all, we’re toasting the end of a setback and cheering for the joy of new experiences.

And what better therapist / bartender than Stephi to help me wash away tears of the past and cheer for a better tomorrow? Stephi was not just a bartender; she was exactly the therapist I needed — a laughter therapist. Our spirited drink is appropriately called Rum Therapy and what better name for the Free-Spirited drink than Joy Juice?

View of the bar

Welcome to sunny St. Lucia